Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Death of the Moth by Woolf

In Virginia Woolf's narration "The Death of the Moth", the battle between life and death. She brings out a strong pathos and maintained throughout the story as the reader can visualize and feel for the moth. "the approach of death laid the pencil down" to continue and watched how she can abandon them. Death in which by any given chance, nor can the strengthen can capture death itself. As Woolf is writing this essay and mention "No longer raise himself; his legs struggled vainly, as I stretched out a pencil to help him... failure were the approach of death" It seen that the moth can no longer complain, in which "death stronger than I am". In which every creature or being would soon have to realize, death is inevitable.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Weekly Reflection 4

Wow, time does fly by fast. The 4th week of school is already coming to closing. This week was by far the longest week I ever felt in my life, with essay and correcting and draft to make the perfect argumentative essay. This was my first time ever putting so much effect into this essay, but without the help of Mr. Smith editing my rough draft, I won't think I can make it look presentable. On Thursday, we were introduce to a story "on love" after reading the story and watched the video, I understand what the experiment was about, after that video was over we had to write about I ideal partner. It was a weird concept.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Joan Didion On Keeping A Notebook

Reading this essay made me realize that if my mind was like a notebook with detailed events, maybe I could be able to go back to the past in change the mistakes I've made in the past. I would also be able to remember small details that people tend to forget. For example, "It all comes back. Even that recipe for sauerkraut: even that brings is back." At the end of the story, Didion remembers the recipe that she had forgotten.


I can feel a connection to Didion because when I was younger I used to keep a journal. I used to write things from silly sayings, to serious thoughts that were in my head, to details about many different things. Although I no longer write in a journal, I still feel a connection with Didion since we both had a detailed notebook during our lives.

Didion greatly strengthens her work by leaving many unanswered questions. This strengthens her work in many different ways. One way is that it allows for the reader to use their imagination and come up with some answers of their own. This allows the ready to kind of continue on with the story in their own imaginative way. Another way it strengthens her work is that it makes the reader curious about what will happen next. That is a strength because it causes the reader to really think deep down about the story.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Weekly reflection 3

Image result for ethos logos pathos
The 3rd week of school, we were assigned with different tasks to work on as a group, later on we had to depend on the individually, and see if they would get there parts done on time. It was a pretty great experience to work with others and be able to communicate and learn something new about the other person. With the introducing about Aristotelian Argument, at first I didn't quite understand it. But as hegive example it became quite easy in a way. As he talks about Aristotelian he points out the importants issues of how his essay is format it. He wants the reader pay more attention to the used of Ethos, Logos and Pathos, in which the writer can provide the a strong argument essay.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Last rites for Indian Dead By Suzan S. Harjo

Harjo argues that the American Indian should not be put out for the public to be used as test subject or display on educational institutions, federal agencies, state historical societies and private collection. She used the causal chains in which she makes the reader wanted to know more about what she going talk about. "They dug an estimated of 650 graves","How many more dead Indian needed for the benefit of health". With the first quoth with grave after grave of digging what purpose can they be making. As I was saying the causal chains is were you lower the reader to the point by having the aftermath for the first point. She put out the point in an chronological order, from the start, where she stated the ones that were involve with burly and she lead us with number and static. At the end she point out what should be done, to provide an solution and recognize what the people had done to the dead bodies of the American Indian.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Liu || Chinatown Idea

Liu uses his five senses to tell the reader about his journey to Chinatown. He wants the reader to know what he going through, "thick crowds on the sidewalk... sweat and breath, old perfume", "late autumn and chilly enough to numb my cheeks". He's showing the struggle of going to Chinatown and the chilly fall of New York City.

Image result for chinatown marketHe wants his reader to know that, by using sensory he wish to connect with his reader and to make the story more interesting. He showing us the lifestyle of  Chinatown, the everyday situation of New York City. For those who haven't been to other place he wants to help us or demonstrate the lifestyle for the reader.

As he demonstrate his word choice such as "incongruous" he surrounding the reader with the overly crowd of people that filled up in Chinatown. Emporium, the scenes of the marketplace were he can find anything at an Chinatown marketplace. As they were about to leave they saw her grandmother, "the surprise in her eyes, then hurt" feeling a connection, that was pretty strong, as they were driving home, no one talk at all. Words can not be express out loud, nor it can be shared by other.

Image result for chinatownImage result for eric liu

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Arts of eating Spaghetti

Baker choice of audience is those type of kids that find high school as a joke. He pick people that is going through a confused life. He's talking to people that just find anything as dull, or hopeless, out of date. He wants to point out to the students that even after high school over, English can still guild you through life. He wants to perspective the kids that even if English is an boring subject, kids really don't look ahead for their goals.  

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With the little thought he has in his head about be a writer "smallest talent, and silly though it sounded when I told people that I wanted to be a writer". He wants the audience to know that, if he wants something done, even if it's a small thought. The experience is well form.

The overall of his essay he wants to provide the reader the important of school. He wants to open a door for the students but not only as an reader but also an writer. Having a huge impact on the writer it can point out, what the writer needs to put on the paper, so the reader can be hook and also it can take them to the right pathway. As a kid, he never felt the need for writing but with a great teacher, in which she lead the right path for Baker, he can then point us to the right direction.

The type of tone he come across is a more informal tone. with that said, he talking to teenager in particular, his words choice are colloquial. He wants to get the reader attention by "don't you see" to point out that even an writer doesn't necessary needs to be to personal about the story. There are boundaries to writing but when it come to write about an personal story any colloquial or slang is allow.      
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