Sunday, July 31, 2016

Last rites for Indian Dead By Suzan S. Harjo

Harjo argues that the American Indian should not be put out for the public to be used as test subject or display on educational institutions, federal agencies, state historical societies and private collection. She used the causal chains in which she makes the reader wanted to know more about what she going talk about. "They dug an estimated of 650 graves","How many more dead Indian needed for the benefit of health". With the first quoth with grave after grave of digging what purpose can they be making. As I was saying the causal chains is were you lower the reader to the point by having the aftermath for the first point. She put out the point in an chronological order, from the start, where she stated the ones that were involve with burly and she lead us with number and static. At the end she point out what should be done, to provide an solution and recognize what the people had done to the dead bodies of the American Indian.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Liu || Chinatown Idea

Liu uses his five senses to tell the reader about his journey to Chinatown. He wants the reader to know what he going through, "thick crowds on the sidewalk... sweat and breath, old perfume", "late autumn and chilly enough to numb my cheeks". He's showing the struggle of going to Chinatown and the chilly fall of New York City.

Image result for chinatown marketHe wants his reader to know that, by using sensory he wish to connect with his reader and to make the story more interesting. He showing us the lifestyle of  Chinatown, the everyday situation of New York City. For those who haven't been to other place he wants to help us or demonstrate the lifestyle for the reader.

As he demonstrate his word choice such as "incongruous" he surrounding the reader with the overly crowd of people that filled up in Chinatown. Emporium, the scenes of the marketplace were he can find anything at an Chinatown marketplace. As they were about to leave they saw her grandmother, "the surprise in her eyes, then hurt" feeling a connection, that was pretty strong, as they were driving home, no one talk at all. Words can not be express out loud, nor it can be shared by other.

Image result for chinatownImage result for eric liu

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Arts of eating Spaghetti

Baker choice of audience is those type of kids that find high school as a joke. He pick people that is going through a confused life. He's talking to people that just find anything as dull, or hopeless, out of date. He wants to point out to the students that even after high school over, English can still guild you through life. He wants to perspective the kids that even if English is an boring subject, kids really don't look ahead for their goals.  

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With the little thought he has in his head about be a writer "smallest talent, and silly though it sounded when I told people that I wanted to be a writer". He wants the audience to know that, if he wants something done, even if it's a small thought. The experience is well form.

The overall of his essay he wants to provide the reader the important of school. He wants to open a door for the students but not only as an reader but also an writer. Having a huge impact on the writer it can point out, what the writer needs to put on the paper, so the reader can be hook and also it can take them to the right pathway. As a kid, he never felt the need for writing but with a great teacher, in which she lead the right path for Baker, he can then point us to the right direction.

The type of tone he come across is a more informal tone. with that said, he talking to teenager in particular, his words choice are colloquial. He wants to get the reader attention by "don't you see" to point out that even an writer doesn't necessary needs to be to personal about the story. There are boundaries to writing but when it come to write about an personal story any colloquial or slang is allow.      
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Sandra Cisneros, "Only daughter"

Being the only daughter of seven children, she keeps on stating the same thing over and over again but with different lines. Being the only daughter, the only thing on her father mind was her becoming someone wife. Cisneros stated, in the fifth grade she would shared her plans with her father about college. Hoping that she can get closer to him, seven years later, with no husband. Her father felt like he wasted all that education. Tug my father sleeve and whisper "Not seven sons, and one daughter". She wants to tell her father that I'm in no different from her brothers. 

At the end of the story, Cisneros, return to her home were she spent Christmas there. As for her story it was translated into Spanish, at that moment, "He read the line very slowly. As he was reading line over and over" (499). He was finally able to know how her daughter felt all those time. "Where can we get more copies of this for the relatives" (499). Being hated by her father for a long time, she came to realize, he always care about the kids. Just he never really mention it. "Why would anyone go to college and then choose to be poor, especially someone who had always been poor" (498). 

Her father only wants Cisneros, to find a husband during her college years, that why, he spent her there. After, knowing she wasted her college life, not able to find a husband. He consider that he wasted all that education. However, toward the end of the story, her father stated, "he fulfilled my father dream that we study hard and use our head instead of this- our hands" (498). Looking at his father hands thick and yellow- the history of hammer and nails. I didn't go to college to be poor. Especially someone who had always been poor.     

Image result for sandra cisneros the only daughter fatherImage result for sandra cisneros the only daughter