Friday, July 15, 2016

FreeWrite Narrtion 1

When picture yourself in a happy place, we can make anything up but when something that unexpected happens to us we can't imagine.what might happen to us.  
What do people think, when they hear the word horror, we would think of something spine-chilling running down our throat. My story begins with me going to Hong Kong, the year 2010, with my grandmother and myself, my first trip to Hong Kong. The excitement of going on a trip got me fired up, it was weeks before summer vacation roll by, the trilled of school is about to be over. Knowing, that it’s been such a long time I gone back, not knowing where to start from, with the time running slow I got the idea of changing the time on my clock, but I realize I got to stop thinking about it and move on with the last few week of school. The time had finally came, school was over and it time for me and my grandmother head toward the airport, the ride toward the airport was dull, I felt the sunray hitting my skin burning away the white pigment changing it to a dark brown color. It took hours to arrive at the airport, I took out the suitcase and begun to roll it inside, that’s when I check in and said my goodbye to my parents. Before we can get inside the plane there was this long list of people waiting for the plane to arrive, so we sack down on empty spot. Thirty to fifty minute later, the plane had arrive, the  flight attendant came over to us and took us inside the plane I felt like first class passenger the thought of it was quickly blast away. While everybody started to arrive on the plane the flight attendant came on and started to announce the procedure of where everything was at. After that the plane start to take in speed my heart was pounding as the plane increase the speed, all of a sudden the plane shifted upward that when I realize my spine-tingling and my hand was grabbing on a hold handle. Furthermore as the ride got smoother again my body finally relax but my back and neck was aching from the seat thirteen hours of sleeping in a cramp spot is really difficult to do. The plane was rocking back and forth with the air turbulence; I thought my life was about end here just like the Malaysian airline that got taking out. Finally, the plane landed smoothly on Hong Kong soil; there we depart from the airport. We met up with my mom’s sister, where she pick us up from the airport and there we took the bus back to her house, it was night time so there wasn’t a whole lot of people on the bus and with the time zone I wasn’t that sleepy but as the ride to my aunt house was pretty far and bumpy, I was knock off and felt asleep. The next day we walk around Hong Kong and sightseeing, many of the stuff was experience, most of the price was different from here and America, there currency goes up to thousands but for us it only go to hundreds. I feel that pretty odd but I was still young so I couldn’t yet understand. Finally, we got to see the top of the mountain but the road to go up there was a difficult path so instead, we took the cable car, but I was afraid of height but it was the biggest attraction for looking at mountain and all kinds of thing. We got on the Cable car and it run pretty slowly but some do stop for couple of minute so people can see how Hong Kong looks like. At that moment, I thought time stopped, to see everything in my pathway be steady, something not right, I mention to myself, why hasn’t the cable car move yet. That’s, when I realize I was stuck on the cable car. Both, me and my aunt felt like we were on top of the Empire state building, I might be talking big about the feeling of, how tall it was but when you look at it from a different point perspective, thing do look bigger or taller from a different high point. My heart start to rise being at such a high point everything around you is clear space, dangling on a cable, the possibility is endless. Having no shade and just two mirrors on the side and one big mirror right be low your feet is the most scary thing that can happen the glass can crack, scary to death not knowing if I should stand up and walk or sit still. No matter, how you look at it just a scary moment, having to wait for hours before the firefight came to recuse us, the moment I saw land or something that connect to the ground I was relief. Though my experience I realize that something in life is not worth going through to see. 

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